Science at the bar/Svrati na nauku

Dr. Michal Topaz is an environmental and nature conservation education specialist in The Davidson Institute of Science Education, the educational arm of the Weizmann Institute of Science. She holds a PhD in environmental education...

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 Aлександра Дрецун

Александра Дрецун је била директорка Центра за промоцију науке од 3. марта 2011. до 3. марта 2015. године. Александра Дрецун је дипломирала на Правном факултету у Београду 1992. године у...

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[:sr]Новембар 2013

Месечни план активности Центра за промоцију науке Конференције 1-2. новембар ЦПН на конгресу неурохирурга југоисточне Европе Први конгрес неурохирурга jугоисточне Европе обележио jе 90 година неурохирургиjе у Србиjи и 75...

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About Elements

“Elements” are the new way to promote science. After four years of organizing popular science events, collaboration with the media and following science development and progress in the region, Center...

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About the Truck

CPN Science Truck is a mobile laboratory, classroom and exhibition space made locally, in Serbia. It is designed to reach all parts of Serbia and make science closer to everyone...

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Annual Activity Plan

Program 2014 Plans for previous years: Program 2013 Program 2012 Program 2011

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Children’s Science Camp 2013

[:] (more…)

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CPN on road

The Science Truck is a mobile gallery, a space with promotional and educational purposes. As a traveling CPN, it’s an original and interesting way of presenting science and getting it...

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Horizon on Thursday

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Program for research and innovations, and it provides an estimated 78 billion euros of funding, available in the next seven years. After Serbia’s involvement...

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