CPN at the Science Festival

CPN participated and financially supported the 7th Science Festival from December 5 to December 8[:] (more…)

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”Tesla Award”

”Nikola Tesla“ Foundation awarded CPN with the ”Tesla Award”, for its outstanding contribution [:] (more…)

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CPN in Priboj

More than 1300 pupils and people from Priboj attended the CPN's Planetarium projections, organized by their City's Council[:] (more…)

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[:sr]ЦПН на састанку V-alert пројекта

ЦПН учествује на првом радном састанку V-alert пројекта, који се одржава 25. и 26. новембра у Патрасу, Грчка. Тема састанака је безбедност на интернету.

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CPN at the Book Fair 2013

Prime Minister Ivica Dacic and Minister Tomislav Jovanovic visited CPN stand, where 1050 scientific publications were exhibited during the fair[:] (more…)

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CPN organized SCIPROM conference

Center for the Promotion of Science organized the First SEE Regional Science Promotion Conference from October 2 to October 3 with support of UNESCO[:] (more…)

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CPN Panel on Food

The topic of the panel in the Big Room at SKC on October 17 was one of the most attractive ones at the moment – food[:] (more…)

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CPN and Neurosurgeons

The first Southeast European Neurosurgical Congress held in Belgrade[:] (more…)

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