2. april 2013. 2. april 2013. 2. april 2013. 2. april 2013. U sredu, 3. aprila, u 10 časova, ministar prosvete i nauke Žarko Obradović otvariće takmičenje u analizi studije...
2. april 2013. 2. april 2013. 2. april 2013. 2. april 2013. U sredu, 3. aprila, u 10 časova, ministar prosvete i nauke Žarko Obradović otvariće takmičenje u analizi studije...
Center for the Promotion of Science is a member of European Cooperation for Science and Technology and Serbian coordinator for GenderSTE action
On the World Water Day, March 22, 2013, CPN organized series of workshops and lectures on the Research ship Argus[:] (more…)
22. mart 2013. 22. mart 2013. ŠTA JE SVETSKI DAN VODE? Širom sveta, 22. marta svake godine obeležava se Svetski dan vode u cilju podizanja opšte svesti o značaju sveže...
Rubik's Competition Titled Serbian Open 2013 this weekend in Belgrade[:] (more…)
At this year's Economy Forum CPN pointed out the importance of investing in science [:] (more…)
In cooperation with CPN, Serbian scientists from CERN organized a Masterclass in Belgrade in Novi Sad[:] (more…)
CPN one of the participants at the Science Fair "Putokazi" in Novi Sad in collaboration with Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics[:] (more…)