CPN gathered partes in V-ALERT project in Belgrade, October 2-3 [:] (more…)
CPN gathered partes in V-ALERT project in Belgrade, October 2-3 [:] (more…)
CPN among the participants of ”Places of Scientific Culture” conference held in Bremen[:] (more…)
ЦПН учествује на првом радном састанку V-alert пројекта, који се одржава 25. и 26. новембра у Патрасу, Грчка. Тема састанака је безбедност на интернету.
CPN ia a member of an international project V-ALERT, which was granted funds by the European Commission. Within this project CPN will help realize an ICT program
The new CPN publication "The Vivid Theorem" by Sedric Villani was presented at the Gallery of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts on April 29 [:] (more…)
The greatest experts in the field of bioethics today spoke at the CPN panel about using drugs in order to improve human kind, as well as about right to have...
CPN in cooperation with Ericsson marked the Internet of Things Day [:] (more…)