Science Day 2015

Fifth time in a row, on July 10, CPN celebrated Science Day by organizing various activities and presenting new panel format Talking Elementary [:] (more…)

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New CPN Menaging Director

After the finalized the Public Call, and with the accordance from the minister Verbic, on Friday 19, Menagement Commitee chose Nemanja Djordjević as the new Menaging Director of the CPN [:]...

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CPN panel about free will

Huge audience and an inspiring atmosphere marked the CPN panel on free will, on June 18, at SKC [:] (more…)

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Pluto Mission

After 9 years and 5,000,ooo,ooo kilometers, New Horizons reached dwarf planet Pluto. Explore Elementarium portal  to find out more  [:] (more…)

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CPN in Uzice

Center for the Promotion of Science rounded up the season of Mobile planetarium presentations throughout the country [:] (more…)

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CPN in Croatia

CPN for the first time presented its popular science program in Croatia [:] (more…)

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May Month of Mathematics

Center for the Promotion of Science and SASA Mathematical Institute organize the forth popular science manifestation May Month of Mathematics 2015 [:] (more…)

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M3 exhibition “Numbers”

On Tuesday, May 12, as a part of teh M3 event, CPN opened the exhibition "Numbers" at the Gallery of Science ant Technology SASA [:] (more…)

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M3 exhibition ART(o)Physics

On May 18, CPN opened the fourth successive exhibition as a part of the M3 event program [:] (more…)

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Makers Lab KLIKER

On November 24, CPN presented the new, interactive space, which encourages creativity, innovation and spreading knowledge[:] (more…)

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