CPN in Kikinda
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CPN in Niš
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Novogodišnji CPN program

Za kraj 2015. godine, CPN je pripremio obilje iznenađenja - Naučni kamion u Beogradu, novi broj "Elemenata", tribinu o sreći i Radio Galaksiju [:] (more…)

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Danas bez horoskopa

Od 1. decembra 2015. jedan dnevni list u Republici Srbiji izlazi bez horoskopa - umesto njega, dnevnik "Danas" objavljuje rubriku "Teleskop" [:] (more…)

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Elements in Novi Sad

The first issue of popular science magazine Elements was presented in Novi Sad, on Thursday, July 23 [:] (more…)

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Science Day 2015

Fifth time in a row, on July 10, CPN celebrated Science Day by organizing various activities and presenting new panel format Talking Elementary [:] (more…)

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Marija Nikolic
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Elements of CPN

On Thursday, June 25, CPN released the first illustrated popular science magazine in Serbia - Elements [:] (more…)

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New CPN Menaging Director

After the finalized the Public Call, and with the accordance from the minister Verbic, on Friday 19, Menagement Commitee chose Nemanja Djordjević as the new Menaging Director of the CPN [:]...

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CPN panel about free will

Huge audience and an inspiring atmosphere marked the CPN panel on free will, on June 18, at SKC [:] (more…)

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Pluto Mission

After 9 years and 5,000,ooo,ooo kilometers, New Horizons reached dwarf planet Pluto. Explore Elementarium portal  to find out more  [:] (more…)

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