Panel: Career in Mathematics

The CPN's Science Club hosted a panel where participants discussed career in mathematics [:] (more…)

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Innovations 2.0 at CPN

The CPN’s Science Club hosted a workshop where The World Bank gathered Serbian leaders in the area of Innovation and experts from Finland  [:] (more…)

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Young Researchers at CPN

The CPN’s Science Club hosted a round table discussion with the topic ”Young researchers: their position and opportunities” [:] (more…)

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International Fair of Technique and Technical Achievements 2014

This year’s International Fair of Technique and Technical Achievements 2014 is being held in Belgrade, from May 12-16, under the slogan ”A Step Into the Future” [:] (more…)

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CPN panel on Matrix

CPN organized a panel titled ”Are We Living in a Matrix?” at the Big Hall of the Students’ Cultural Center (SKC), which attracted a large audience with its interesting lecturers...

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”GIRLS in ICT” Day

CPN initiated a new series of workshops in the field of programming, hence marking the International Girls in ICT Day[:] (more…)

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The Future of Science in Serbia

More than 60 representatives of the leading scientific institutions of Serbia, gathered at the CPN Science Club [:] (more…)

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CPN Science Club Q&A

A place where various events take place, where science is experienced and excellence nurtured [:] (more…)

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genderSTE is a network of policy makers and experts committed to promoting a fairer representation of women and better integration of gender analysis in research and innovation.[:] (more…)

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European Student Parliament

European Student Parliament is a project initiated by Wissenschaft im Dialog from Berlin with the goal to strengthen dialogue between students aged between 16 and 19 and scientific researchers in Europe.[:]...

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Implementing Creative Strategies to Inquiry Based Science Teaching[:] (more…)

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Science Camps in Europe

Project financed by European Commission with the goal to make the science camps network in Europe[:] (more…)

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